Anonymous go after Elon musk?

Anonymous is a hacker group that established a fearless reputation in past decades.

They released a message on 2021.06.05 saying that TESLA tech billionaire Elon musk’s misleading attitudes to tweets about crypto markets can’t be tolerated anymore.

Last Thursday musk a breakup meme and the bitcoin market crash 7-8%.

Anonymous said that Elon’s tweets show ‘disregard for the average working person.

They accused Elon musk of still using child labor in his mines in Africa.

So basically anonymous are responsible for hacking Paypal, church Scientology in the past.

Summary of  the video

“Millions of retail investors were really counting on their crypto gains to improve their lives. This is something that you will never understand because you were born into the stolen wealth of a South African apartheid emerald mine and have no clue what struggle is like for most of the working people in the world.”

“As hardworking people have their dreams liquidated over your public temper tantrums, you continue to mock them with memes from one of your million-dollar mansions.”

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